Monday, February 26, 2007

You'll be interested to know...

In my quest for world domination and things of that sort I have recently made a major advance. I have, as of this morning I am the proud owner of

Obviously, during these preliminary stages it will simply point to my blog, as most of my many fine domain names do. But some day soon, this could be the address where the world turns for their daily commands and instructions.

Or, it could just point to my blog for a long time.

Also, I apologize for the lack of posts lately. I lost my beloved camera phone to a puddle during the monsoon season and the absence of pictures to share with you makes me so sad that I can hardly write.

Until next time...


Anonymous said...

I think I love you...know really!!!

Aimee Cait said...

Merges and acquisitions.
World domination, man.

You're an evil corporation. Like JP Morgan Chase and all Federal Credit Unions.

Josh... are you The Man?