Saturday, March 31, 2007


Ok, so we were eating at Champps tonight with Ben, JP, Leah, Sarah... annnd I'm so sorry but I forgot everyone else's names! Anyway, we got into a discussion, and we need your opinion...

Here is the situation... we are eating our meal, people are even being seated around us, and suddenly we look over and there is a staffmember starting to vacuum the room. Now, JP and myself were under that impression that its pretty sleazy to do that while guests are there. It detracts from the experience. J. Menck on the other hand thinks that it's cool cause they're just trying to finish for the night.

What is your opinion? How do you feel? Make your voice heard!

All I can tell you is that when J.P. & J.B.'s Grill opens its doors, the guests' dining experience will not be hindered by someone trying to get off 30 minutes early by cleaning while people are eating.

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